Silvia scatters hay to the pigeons.
Mealtime for the Animals at the Sanctuary.
Silvia pours water for the animals and Printzess (the crow) follows her most of the time.
Silvia is putting up fences for the protection of the fruit trees from Rabbits .
Printzess is one of many Crows that lives at the Sanctuary.
Silvia puts hay for the animals so it doesn’t get muddy.
Dogo follows Alin around the field wherever he goes, whether on foot or by car.
Alin just returned with a package full of Sea Buckthorns, a source of Vitamin C during the Winter season for many of the Animals at the Sanctuary.
D.D the Pig, which comes from “Dear, Dear”
Alin and Siliva prepare to build a fence to protect the vegetation from rabbits.
Silvia installing new fences in order to protect some of the vegetation from Wild Rabbits.
Silvia gathers hay to spread on the ground for the animals. Dogo (the dog) and Printzess (the crow), keep her company.
Misu watching the Sunset.
Alin and Silvia prepare the cereal grains for the animals.
Cupidon the Turkey is very protective of Silvia. You try anything funny and he is on you.
Heidi (the crow) and Silvia at the end of the day.
Silvia entering the Corvid Aviary.
Inside the Corvid Aviary. This space is used for healing and recovery.
Dogo’s paw marks in the mud on the road named “Drumul Pasarilor” (The Birds’ Road) leading to Sepale, the Bird Sanctuary.
The Love between Silvia and Cupidon.
Crows mate for Life. Heidi (Male) and Greta (Female) are most of the time always together.
The office/bedroom where Alin and Silvia live. Alin works in the IT field.
Silvia takes soil to plant oak trees at the Sanctuary.
Alin and Silvia during a coffee break.
Pigeons sunbathing. Alin and Silvia even have some Birds live inside with them where they sleep.
From left to right, Heidi the Crow, Cupidon the Turkey and Negruta the Sheep just chillin' and enjoyin' Life.
Silvia always has a smile on her face, no matter how much work she does.She radiates happiness. She is the person that Inspires others to follow their Heart and to Dedicate their life to a greater Purpose than themselves.
Silvia and the whole Gang enjoying the Sunset.
Silvia is preparing the new sleeping spots for the Dogs.
The Field at the Sanctuary. Dogo is the Protector of the place.